Saturday, September 22, 2007


Demons are such a controversial thing that I must talk about it in more detail. We must all have a correct view of demons (even thought it might not be my view) because otherwise we will always feel affected by them. Thinking about demons bring about negativity, dis-ease, and sometime pain. I will now discuss different opinions on demons or satanic entities.

Around the time of 700 BC, demons were viewed more as what we might call daemons, or benevolent beings. They would guide and serve man. It later became known solely as an evil force instead of a helpful one, as it is believed today. There are some Christians that believe any unseen force or being to be a demon, causing themselves to constantly be afraid. On an earlier post I talked about a man that saw the demons chasing him in his waking life, in addition to having painful, vivid nightmares. The question remains: are they real, or are they an illusion that we have brought about ourselves?

Archangel Michael claims that he will slay thousands of demons for you. That sounds nice, but are these demons actual souls calling for help? I doubt it, since Michael has such a powerful healing presence that he wouldn't hurt any real soul. This must be self-made demons that he is slaying, which sounds almost identical to the ego. They aren't us, but we made them from our discord and negativity.

How the New Testament explains demons might sound like they are powerful and have control over you, but it also sounds a lot like the ego. When Jesus stopped a demon from giving away his identity, he removed it from the man. This was also done when the Apostle Peter objected to Jesus being crucified, Jesus responded, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men." He said this in a way that was not directed towards Peter, but more towards dismantling his ego.

The only evidence against the other Judeo-Christian scripture is from the Book of Enoch. Enoch, the first man in recorded Jewish history to ascend, focused on demons in his writings. One of his biggest statements is that Satan (or a demon) can take physical form in a human body. This supports the idea of the Anti-Christ, but it can bring about fear and hatred of others. This could possibly mean that some one's ego is so destructive that they can bring about the extremes of the one ego (Satan, if you like that word) so that they might be called the Anti-Christ. In all cases, however, a demon needs a host, so the embodied soul is merely identifying with his ego when that isn't who he truly is. Still, if it was really a soulless manifestation or actually a man, the only way to take hold of this force in any situation is through love and will.

Since separation isn't true in reality, that gets rid of making anything real that desires separation. We might be identified with the ego (or demon, per se), but it is still not who we are. Therefore, slaying demons is really slaying nothing, and exorcism brings about a less harsh ego, you could say. We are not the victims in life, but the commanders. We have power to tread over serpents and scorpions, so we are really in complete control over our own lives. Demons cannot hurt you unless you believe them to be true, because they wouldn't seem to exist without your belief. I conclude from the above evidence that demons are egos and that Satan is the one ego, but neither have any control over you whatsoever because they are your own illusions!

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