Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The Plan of Evolution

When we think of evolution, we should avoid thinking of the physical body and its brain, because that suggests that we are the body, and that God is causing this evolution without our will. The truth is that we are causing the evolution, keeping the traits that benefit us, discovering new tools, and abandoning old habits. At this point, our physical bodies do not have to change, since they have become perfected through our reasoning of what is really beneficial. Brain size isn't an issue because, currently, we only use 10% of it. What we need to learn to do is raise our consciousness to the point that we use 100% of our body's brain.

In reality, we are not the body or the mind. We are the Presence, the sense of "I AM," and it is very important not to get lost in our minds or the materialistic world. By doing so, we forget who we are and become afraid, mesmerized by our ego, and lose all the joy of being. By realizing our true Self, we will begin to continue on our path of evolution back to God.

We are not the highest evolved beings in existence, even though we are barely aware of it. It is very similar to dogs being aware of humans, but still not understanding the life of a human. There are five kingdoms that exist: the mineral, the vegetable, the animal, the human, and the spiritual. Every succeeding kingdom, is much more complicated, much more powerful, much more knowing, and much more conscious. Everything is conscious, but not necessarily self-conscious. The human kingdom is the first in the path of evolution to be self-conscious, but the spiritual kingdom is God-conscious.

Every kingdom will move on to the higher kingdoms until, eventually, they reach all the way back to the unity with God. God guides all the kingdoms back to Him, and it would be impossible for us not to make it back to Him at some point. However, the higher kingdoms similarly contain and guide the lower kingdoms: Minerals guided by vegetables, vegetables by animals, animals by humans, and humans by the divine. They will all assist each other as they evolve and replace each other, and nothing will be left behind without assistance. For example, as humans move towards the spiritual kingdom, animals will have already begun moving towards the human kingdom.

Sanat Kumara, the "Ancient of Days"

An example of the spiritual kingdom assisting the human kingdom is Sanat Kumara, the "Ancient of Days," who had to pass many initiation to be responsible for the evolution of planet earth and embodying it. Sanat Kumara is our Planetary Logos, and even above him is Vywamus, our Solar Logos, responsible for the evolution of our solar system. These beings used to be humans with our same level of consiousness, several millions of years ago. There are more roles higher than that, going beyond even our universe. This is where we are eventually going to evolve towards and be initiated into.

This takes a very long process - yes, obviously more than one lifetime. It does say in the Bible, that you live once, die, and then comes judgement. This means that, after death, you review your life and prepare for the next one. The Bible doesn't say that you don't live more than once, and it is unfortunate that the Council of Nicaea in 553 CE removed the main traces of reincarnation from the Bible. However, if you were to read the Bible, there are many times where it suggests reincarnation. (Examples would be Abel > Seth, Elijah > John the Baptist, and Elisha > Jesus.) Life continues on in different forms, in the same way that you get a test at school, fail it, but get a different test later to try your best on. There is never a permanent "game over," and life continues on until you evolve all the way back to unity with God.

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