Thursday, July 26, 2007

Unity or Individuality?

Even though unity is surely the greatest thing possible, people still have the sense of wanting to decide on their own. Our spiritual concepts of nirvana, unity, eternity, and constancy seem boring to some, because there is no change in activity. We want to be doing something different all the time. But if we were to experience how God wills us to be, there is no way we would decide not to have it that way. It is the highest joy and love that is incomparable to anything experienced in the physical world. However, that still seems like we have no choice. But yes, we do!

Our situation was created because of the desire to live individually. God's Heaven has always been and always will be, but when this false desire arose in our consciousness, God allowed it to happen. This existence is the effect of that thought, and remains as a lesson for us to return back to the Source. We had complete freedom to do whatever we wanted with our creativity, and we created a whole universe from it. We started playing with form and projecting ourselves into form to experiment with it. From there, we started becoming too distracted by our world of form and forgot our inherent unity with God. We started identifying ourselves with the bodies we made and lost sight of our spiritual existence. Our desire for individuality made us overlook our unity.

So what do we do now? Individuality is great, but it is never better than what God wills for us. As long as we focus on separation and individuality, we will be afraid. Luckily, God set us up instantly after our mad idea for individuality. He created the Holy Spirit to bring us back to Him whenever we are quiet enough to listen. He also made it so we can use our individuality as a gateway for others to return back to the unity of God. This is what Jesus did, and his assistance is known as Christ consciousness. We can all use this when we return to the unity of God and start loving instead of fearing. We will then know that we are the Son of God, and that we have always remained in the perfect state of unity behind our made-up world of separation.

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