Monday, August 13, 2007

The Cleansing Atheists

When becoming an atheist, people usually have to go through what modern Christians believe in, as I have shown in the last post. Becoming an atheist can actually be a progression for your spiritual life, or it could not. That's why there are only two types of atheists: those who are selfish and want to do whatever they want, and those who are rational, use logic, and have morals. The former type of atheist is usually less advanced spiritually than the Christians who believe the things I mentioned in the last post. However, believe it or not, the latter group of atheists are usually more advanced than those Christians, even though they don't believe in God!

It is the latter group that I am going to be talking about, those that call themselves New Atheists. Everybody goes through this stage at some point, even though it might not be very long. But it can be very helpful, since it acts as a "cleansing" of all false, ignorant beliefs of religion. The stage is very interesting however, because it can completely destroy a lot of the beliefs that most people have today in our culture, but it can't eliminate everything from religion. The core truths of religion live on. You can notice that these atheists are really only disagreeing with what religion has shown them, but they are almost completely unaware of the universal spiritual path.

Some Christians are apparently afraid of the Cleansing New Atheists.

I remember that about a year ago, I started questioning everything believed in Christianity and didn't care what people thought. I always had a slight feeling beforehand that some Christian beliefs were kind of weird, but I didn't start becoming critical until last year. There were some things that I didn't know for sure if they were true or not, but since I noticed so much false doctrine, I tried to deny the religion as a whole. However, I know that this is impossible to do, because as I tried doing that, life had no meaning at all and I fell into chaos and paranoia. But now, I have had too much experience in spirituality to deny it all, but I noticed that that stage of atheism worked as a "cleansing" device, as I said earlier.

Amazingly, I realized you could truly identify yourself as an atheist and be quite spiritually advanced. Atheism is anti-theism, or against the belief in God. It isn't necessary to believe in God to be spiritual, and it could actually be better not to. One of the main problems today is that people just choose to believe in things because it makes sense to them, or they just want to believe in something. But when they do that, they might never have any experience with what they believe in. So what is so great about simple religions like Buddhism is that it gets down to business, showing you exactly what to do in order to experience it all for yourself. Buddhists don't believe in God, but their mystics still experience the same as what Christian mystics do. It is better to know God the way mystics do, like through meditation, than to believe in Him as an idea in your mind; things that you've heard about in the Bible or heard from other sources.

God has become so distorted through religious beliefs, and that's why these New Atheists are against it. God has become a tyrant that demands Jesus to be sacrificed for the forgiveness of our sins, because otherwise he wouldn't forgive us. He blows up cities, brings floods, hurricanes, and natural disasters in attempt to destroy us. He is a "jealous God." This is what these atheists are against. They abandon these ridiculous religious beliefs and become "cleansed." The next step is to discover what true Christians refer to when they use the word "God"; what this Source really is.

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