Friday, August 17, 2007

The Story of Creation

The story of creation is very important, because it determines how much power we have in and of ourselves, and how much God has thrusted upon us without our will. Many people believe that God created this universe, and some think it happened in seven days. God made the planet, the ocean, the land, the air, the fish, the birds, the insects, the animals, and humans. Some also believe that humans were given spirit after the bodies were made, because it says He "breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living being." This makes people think that only humans have spirit. After all of that, God gets upset with His creation and causes a flood, and blows up civilizations.

This isn't the story of creation that I would like to tell. That story I told above made the divisions of the creationists and the evolutionists, because the creationists jump up and automatically believe what they interpret from the bible. The belief that matter can exist without spirit is ridiculous. Why? Because animals and humans work in this world very similar, so much so that if you were to say that only humans have spirit, it could be very likely that we wouldn't because of this similarity. That is a belief that can only come from one has not experienced God's omnipresence. Also, the belief that God created the world means that we can be affected by God's will without our own permission. If he did create the world, how do we know he's not a tyrant? All these horrible things that happen on our planet are never prevented by God, and it seems like he doesn't care for us. Is God really careless, possibly even worse than man?

Nope. It is all a misinterpetation. First of all, we are not truly humans, and we were not force into form without our will. Actually, it is completely our will. Before time was, eternity is. In eternity, we know we are formless, one with God our Creator. It is a state of complete perfection, bliss, love, and light. So God has always offered everything to everyone, but He will not go against our own will. Once we, the Son of God, had a "tiny mad idea," God let us learn from it so we know how important it is to be one with our Father. We made the illusion of separation, therefore the beginning of the ego. Our wills were similar, but slightly different. We were very spiritually advanced, and we were the ones who made this universe of separation. We created denser and denser planes until we made the physical plane, experimented around with matter, and projected ourselves into matter in order to sense our world. This experimentation is what we call evolution, because it took a while to realize the simplest design for our bodies.

Unfortunately, this led to us forgetting our divinity and our Father, which is known as the "Fall of Man," where we see dualities like "good and bad" instead of unity. We forgot how to leave our bodies, and started seeking pleasure in the material world. The bliss and love of God we are now unaware of, and this is where humanity is right now. The source of all these negative, painful things that happen to us come from ourselves, and not from God. God will not interfere with our will, because He wants us to be in control. However, He still offers everything to everyone, and He will never stop doing that because He is eternal.

So is this making of ours real? If it was, then God would have created it, and he would be forcing all of this pain and suffering upon us. However, God is not separate from all that is, even if it isn't real. Everything we made is still God in reality, but our minds are what have caused our forgetfulness. We have fallen asleep. God always wills the best for us, and we must remember our Father if we want to find perfection and to be happy.

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