Tuesday, August 21, 2007

What is God?

What is God? This is perhaps the most important question of all. Most people today just believe in God with their mind and reasoning, but haven't experienced Him. And if we haven't experienced Him directly, how are we supposed to know what He is like? How are we supposed to know if He really exists?

Something I have noticed about people's opinion of the afterlife with God's judgement is very black and white; very negative. It's either eternal hell for not believing in Him or eternal Heaven for believing in Him. They perceive God as someone who will smash your face into the floor if you have fallen to the ground or carry you to the top of the mountain because you took the first step. This view of God is one that depicts Him as being worse than man, and obviously worse than His Son, expressed through Jesus Christ. Is that possible? Can God's creation be greater than God Himself?

The view of God that must be banished from the minds of all men is that God is unforgiving. He is really much more than that. Not only is he forgiving, but he is so forgiving that He never holds grievances of any kind. He sees no sin, not even for an instant. He is Love, Light, Perfection, Bliss, Joy, etc. He never abandons us; it is only we that abandon Him. He is eternal, unchanging, and constantly the Highest Perfection.

What is wrong with Christian dogma is that it makes views of God that bring fear, hate, pride, guilt, and negativity. "I'm right and I'm going to Heaven, but he's wrong and will burn in hell." They have that grin of pride, being a "man of God." Don't we remember that that Jesus said, "Judge not, that you be not judged?" This means that by judging others, you inevitably judge yourself. The inverse is the same as well: if you feel like a sinner, guilty, and afraid of being sent to hell, you will see everything else the same way. This is the sickness of the mind that must be abandoned if we want to know God.

How do we know who's right? Which view is correct? It is impossible to find the right view through a concept of God - it can only be found through experience. We must quiet the mind in order to do so. Get rid of all emotions and thoughts from your ego, since it isn't really you. We have made up our reality and have forgotten God. Remember these quotes: "I AM THAT I AM," and "Be still, and know that I AM God." God is not found in the mind, and neither in the past or future. He is the Now, the Absolute Presence. You will not find Him if you aren't present. "Be still" means to stop activity of all kinds: physical, emotional, and mental. That is the only way you will find the spiritual. When you reach the point where you feel His Presence, His vibrational energy throughout your body, you no longer need to worry about what will happen after you die. You will already know.

From there, you will acknowledge as well that the One God in all religions is the same, formless God, and He isn't really male or female because he doesn't take any form. He is the Absolute, and is known as God, Brahman, Allah, Jehovah, Ahura Mazda, YHWH, and so much more.


cortney said...

I am so thrilled to see you are continuing to utilize bloggoing as a form of expression and communication. Your take on the world is part of a more vast conversation. Try and link up with others via the internet or in person who also choose to engage in these brilliant questions and try to learn from them, comment on their thoughts, and expand your audience with your blog. The more people you engage, the more your ideas will be challenged. Consequently, you will learn more about yourself and the world around you. You might consider starting a club, a philosophy club, join the christian club and bring up these salient questions. Or don't. It's always your choice. But your ideas and your writing is so thought-provoking and I think others in our HTH community would appreciate it too! I will miss you this year and I know you will have a very successful junior year.

Alex Burtson said...

I think that I would enjoy starting a club or x-block on philosophy/metaphysics, and it would be even more interesting if I could get a group together from the Rock to discuss these ideas and ask questions for all of us to answer. I also really hope that there are a group of students at High Tech High that were interested as well.
