Friday, June 15, 2007

Artificial vs. Natural

When people say that nature is what is natural to the world, I think of it as self-enslavement. If we say that we should act natural, for instance, that we should act the way the world naturally would, then we would never find inner peace and never get a break. This belief of "nature" is saying that both fear and separation are natural, but that miracles are not natural. Doesn't that also mean that Jesus isn't natural?

I will redefine what natural is. What is natural is God. The Truth is natural, which means that unity, love, peace and joy are also natural. Everything that is not natural is artificial, because it is "man" made or ego. If you didn't already know, the ego made up the whole universe of separation, of degrees, aspects and intervals. Subject and object, duality, fear, and time are all artificial. Even the mind is of the ego, which is also artificial!

Even the techniques of the Secret are artificial techniques, because it completely involves the mind. It leaves God completely out of it and instead uses ego. The ego is our own idea, but we identify with it in order to get what we think we want. God is truly what we want, and we will only realize this once we believe it and trust it! Only He is natural; the ego is completely artificial.

Once you start sticking to what's natural, everything in the artificial world will fall into place. Joining with God is beyond words, but no one would say He is unnatural or artificial. He will wrap you in a cocoon where you can rest in bliss, and move you through the artificial mind and body smoothly, without worry. Everyday I stay present long enough to at least step into this cocoon of bliss, and I am no longer stressed or afraid or worried. I will eventually live in this cocoon, unfortunately while everyone else runs around holding on for dear life. However, I can't keep quiet about this. I want the whole world to find nature.

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