Friday, June 1, 2007

You Are Everything

When trying to meditate, it might hard to believe that you can attain bliss. It seems like the laws of the world will not permit it, and that everything is against. Meditation will be a struggle if this is what you believe. Any limiting thoughts will limit you.

How do you get around it? The first step is to sincerely wish the best for everyone and everything. If you can't do that, then you will not find your Self. Awareness of unity won't come when there you still have a thought of separation. So, once you can do that, you're ready for the next step. You must be confident. You must believe that it is possible to change your life and the lives of others, since you are asking for a blessing of the world. That is the second step. Then, you must know that nothing is against you. The truth is: you are really everything.

The reason that this is true is because there is only God, and everything else is illusory. Being the Son of God, you must also be everything. If you weren't, then God, the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit wouldn't be united. But, if you see everything as one and know that it is all you, then you know you have the authority to bless everything.

Once you reach this state of feeling free and unlimited, it will be a lot easier for your body to fill with light. Feel everything without judging it, and know that you are free. It will inevitably come as long as you don't lose this awareness.

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