Monday, June 4, 2007

The Source

I have to say, even though the New Atheists are very logical, they somehow do not understand the logic behind an existing Source for our physical existence. As I have said in an earlier post, your initial speed for throwing a ball up into the air is always greater than it is after you release it. Yes, the Atheists would say that this existence came from nothing by mere chance, and they are correct; it came from nothing. But it is called "nothing" because it is formless. The source is so much grander than form by being formless. For example, how can you have a planet without any space for it to fill?

We have forgot the Source and have called it "nothing." It seems like nothing to us, but that is becuase we are unaware of it. We have become unconscious and have forgot the divine power that created us. We forgot what we are. How do I know this is true? Through meditation, I have found that "nothing." I would now prefer to call it "everything." It is truly the Source, and it is undeniable. My greatest wish is for everyone to wake up to their own divinity and their Source.

Words cannot explain the Source, but don't dismiss it! You will miss it! All of our problems have come from forgetting the Source. We all know what it's like to know that you're dreaming, and we also know what a nightmare is like. Those experiences relate to the real world greatly. In nightmares, we have forgot that we made the dream, and it is a complete hell. It is the same for our waking life! Whenever we are stressed, worried, afraid, sick, in pain, etc., we have forgot that we are doing this to ourselves! If we know that this is surely true, we will be fearless. We will remember our Source.

When we dream, we think we are someone in the dream. But, when we wake up, we find ourselves in bed, in a body. We mistook ourselves to be a character in the dream. But we made the dream, and everything in it. It is applicable to our waking life, too! We think we are a body, but we are actually the Source. We made all contents of the physical existence! We not the body, but really everything!

Know this to be true, and go meditate. If you sincerely want the experience, you must be devoted and open to tapping into the Source. You will find your Self.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.