Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The Dream, The Game

The people who don't realize that our life-situation is a game consequentially suffer all the time. Forgetting the reality of unity causes separation and entropy. Everything seems to fall apart, and we need to hold it together. People might see it as their lives are being destroyed by everything and that nothing is ever perfect.

We must wake up to our unity with God. Through this unity, everything of God is what we are created from. So, God is our strength. Why aren't we using it? It comes from the fear of God and the Truth, ultimately our Self. So we made a false self, the ego. We play in this game as if it is a dream, where we forget who we are. Therefore, we suffer from false perception.

Do our spiritual masters convince us enough that this is just a game? If we knew who and what we are, we would not be manipulated by anything of this world. We would be doing what Jesus was able to do. Even crucifixion could not kill us! God is with us, so much so that we are one with Him! If you were aware of this, you would be free from all limitations! You would know that this is a game!

As long as we depend on and identify with the body and mind, we will be hiding from the Self. If we are to quiet are mind and be aware of the present, we will feel God. Any thoughts will prevent the Light from filling the body. We will realize how much we are capable of doing. In dreams and games, we are able to control the environment instead of giving it authority over us. So depend on God.

Don't listen to the ego. Don't let it limit you by telling you that I am making a ridiculous statement. I have already experienced enough to tell you that it is true. This is for your benefit, not mine. Paramahansa Yogananda calls our life-situation God's game of seeing if we will depend on Him. The universe is not important in itself; knowing the Source of the universe is. A Course in Miracles tells us that the reality is Heaven, and this is the dream of separation from God. Open mindedness will save you from suffering! Quiet your mind, and awaken from the dream.

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