Saturday, June 9, 2007

The Depth of Religion

Religion rarely turns into spirituality in our lives. For most, all religious beliefs remain only ideas. These ideas are often manipulated in order to prove the ideas of others wrong. There are so few that are outside beliefs and instead know the truth. There is no doubt, and their beliefs cannot be attacked because they actually experience them.

Religion is not only moral and ethical systems of belief; there is much more to it than that. All religions lead to God, the Existence-Bliss-Absolute. It is freedom from the duality of this world, from all fears and pains. All religions lead to true knowledge, but those who do not follow that road are blinded by the veil of ignorance. Unfortunately this is surely the case for the majority of people in the world.

However, there are those who have delved deep into a religion and reached all the way to truth. They do not need to worry about the beliefs in other religions, because they see how they all link to the truth. We would call these people spiritual rather than religious, since they don't defend their beliefs. Therefore, they can't be knocked of their feet by insults.

For most people, when they are asked if they believe in God, they say yes, but they aren't really sure. They can be knocked off their feet. If you believe in God, you would see Him more real than your own body. He is the Creator and the Source, where everything else has sprung from. If you don't get the chance to feel this Source, you might tend to defend your beliefs.

Those who truly believe in God know Him. Those who say they believe in God usually are agnostic. If you say you believe in God, then seek to know Him! You can follow your religion to do so, and that should be done in a defenseless way. Don't worry; all religions are correct when belief systems become personal experience. If you've used a religion to find God, you have used it correctly and will reach God. If you use religion to prove others wrong, you have only skimmed the surface, building your house on the sand instead of on the rock. Find God! Only then will you undoubtedly believe in Him.

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