Saturday, May 26, 2007

Cause and Effect

Most people have rearranged cause and effect in the opposite order. By doing this, we seem helpless. It seems that our lives are always at stake, and that we need to defend them. This rearranging of cause and effect is what made us think we are bodies. Atheists and agnostics will not accept that they are spirits, therefore cutting themselves off from their divine reality. As I have said in an earlier post, we are told to consist of a body, a mind, and a spirit. And listing these consistencies in this order suggests that the body comes first. It suggests that the body is also the mind because the brain is in the body, which means that we will not exist any longer if our body is not alive. Also, some might say that the spirit was made by the the mind, or the brain. But how could we live after the body dies if the spirit was made by the body, which is very limited?

The reason why we are truly spirit is because it is constant, and never changes. We can't have a mind and a body that always changes without something that never changes. Another example is that there could be no planets, solar systems, galaxies and universes without there first being space for it to use. Also, the minuscule cannot create the grand. Therefore, all the great things in life cannot surpass its source in greatness. This means that spirit is ever-new, endless joy to the utmost extreme. If you throw a ball in the air, it will not go faster in that direction than the speed of the force you gave it initially.

One of the excuses that people make to limit themselves is that the mind comes from the brain. When scientists have observed brainwaves, they have seen that it starts in the brain and moves into other parts of the body. But, does this mean that its original starting point was in the brain? No. The brain is only a device to pick up thought waves, the transmitter into the physical. Just as our brain tells us to move our hand, our mind, transmits thoughts into the brain. If we identify with the body and die, we will still have continuous thoughts.

But, the further question is, what made the mind? The mind changes every moment, so it must come from a source that does not change. That is spirit. And the spirit is unlimited. It is the same spirit in everything, the ocean to cause the waves. If we perceive ourselves as the body making the made up mind and spirit, we are limited and enslaved. If we know that we are spirit, and the mind and body are only waves instead of the false identifications as the whole sea, then we are limitless and free.

Please, don't read my posts if you prefer to think of yourself as limited.

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