Saturday, May 19, 2007

Spirituality... What's the Point?

The majority of people have their basic belief systems and try to defend it. Our religious beliefs have caused many problems, and has led to large wars, conflicts, hate, and fear. We all live with a certain belief system even as a child, and we either believe in it and try to defend it or seem to see no point in it. We are doubtful of God's existence, and we tend to think that it religion is a very controversial subject. The people who are exremely religious usually make it a fight against every other religion, and are always try to prove them wrong. What's the point in all this? Does God even exist anyway?

For the people who have experienced God (or whatever they personally call it), it is no longer a fight of belief systems. They know it to be true, so they are instead looking at every religion and seeing the truth in it. People like Sri Ramakrishna and Paramahansa Yogananda lived their lives fully immersed in God, and decided to teach this message to the West, showing how Chrisitanity is indeed correct and offering techniques to know this is so. For those who have experienced it, the techniques were not opinion-based but truth-based, in the same way that 2+2=4.

Everyone is capable of experiencing something much greater than the mind can imagine. But, it matters on what the individuals focus is on - it's either on being right or being happy. Those who are determined to be right are very limited, since usually one belief system is chosen as the right one. Even this emphasis makes people forget that religion is supposed to bring happiness, and they will forget to do what their religion asks them to do! These people are always angry as well, and aren't able to live in peace. However, for the people that put their main emphasis on being happy, there is so much available. One could approach a certain belief system, follow it completely, and be able to easily see the harmony of all religions. They could go anywhere and find the utmost happiness. Being right won't matter anymore. You have got what you asked for. For those who want to be right, they will be right. But they won't necessarily be happy.

Also, when approaching religion and spirituality, don't just start believing what a certain source says. Yes, the motivation for practical use is needed, but don't just take their word for it and run around telling everyone else that believes differently that they're wrong. You are just making life suck for you and for everyone else.

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