Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Key to Heaven and the Bliss of God

This title is kind of funny because we were actually never locked out of Heaven - we're are it. We don't need to do anything to be in Heaven. But that's exactly what you have to do! No-doing. Our whole situation was made up in favor of something other than how God made us. This whole world is an insane idea. How could we make something better than what our Creator created anyway? We are truly no better and no worse than God. Everything perceived with your made-up senses is not real. When we desire and our attached to sense-objects, we are enslaving ourselves to limitation. Clinging to life and our bodies suggests that God did not create us in safety. These worldly perceptions need to change if you want to be aware of Heaven.

I cannot correctly explain what Heaven is like, but knowing what it is not will help you to be aware of it. You must know that it is non-dual, and you must be non-attached to everything of the world. You must be in a state of no-doing, which means that your mind must not wander and you should only be focused on being. Heaven is being instead of doing, real instead of unreal, unity instead of duality and separation, eternity instead of time.

You can be in Heaven and still be on earth. This is what Jesus, Buddha, Ramakrishna and many others have done. You must be present enough to be aware of Heaven. So, you must be know that the present moment is the only way to get there. You will never be in Heaven in the future or the past, because you are presently in Heaven. It is similar to how you think you are flying in a dream or having a nightmare when you're actually in bed, except Heaven feels so grand that you can't put it into words. You also have to know that everything is God, and that you must not struggle to be in Heaven because God is everywhere.

Meditation is vital before you are able to feel Heaven throughout the rest of your days. Never give up the effort to be non-attached and meditate. Even when you just get a taste of Heaven, know that there is a lot more to experience. Meshed within our bodies is a "spiritual thermometer." It runs from our navel to our brain. There are three kundalini centers at our navel, one at the level of our heart, one at the throat, on at the tongue, and finally one at the brain. Deep meditation will cause the coiled kundalini energy to spring up our body and eventually pass through all seven centers. Once it reaches the brain, we will be completely awake to Heaven. Don't just read this and say, "Well, that's an interesting opinion." Try it. If not, you will surely miss the permanent bliss of God.

One thing about this is that people might think that the body and the mind are being wasted because of this. "If you say they aren't real, then how are they useful at all?" Nevertheless, when your minded becomes one-pointed towards seeing God in everything and only desiring Him, you will realize Him as well as devote your body and mind for His use. He will do everything for you; you don't have to move your feet or struggle to think. It will be done by God for the most benefit spiritually for everyone. Again, this is how Jesus lived. Go for it.

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