Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Secret

Everybody by now knows about The Secret. It's been the top seller for a while, so I guess people seem to love it. However, it can cause some problems. Sure, it's great, but it isn't the biggest secret either.

We all fantasize about what life would be like if we had this, or that, and The Secret tells us we can get it. We have to feel like we already have it, and think of it for awhile. Then it comes to us. The problem is that people don't know what they really want. All of their fantasizing will never make us happy, even if we get what we fantasize over. We all know that when we want something really bad and then we finally get it, there is always some sense of disappointment. We have lived our lives thus far, and we haven't got over it yet. "Ooh, life will be good when I'm finally married." Speaking of marriage, half of the people who get married get divorced. Even our hobbies get old. Like music, for example. If I listen to a new band that I just thought was awesome, it would slowly get old, and then it's not as pleasurable to listen to. I'm also sick of Borat, even though I subconsciously quote him repeatedly.

We must understand that the world runs on duality. You can't have an up unless you get a down later. Charles Dickens wrote, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." Led Zeppelin has a song called Good Times Bad Times. Bipolar is exactly that. When we cling to the "good" things in life frequently, then we get frustrated, stressed, nervous, afraid, angry, hurt - all of these things just as frequently. So, when The Secret teaches us that we can get what we want materially, we will still have the down times and be miserable over and over again. Hopefully we all realize this before we waste years of our lives seeking things out in the world.

The bigger secret than The Secret is that we are everything we want and need. This never changes, no matter what happens in your life-situation. Through Self-realization, you will know that you are and have far better than what we could fantasize about. You don't have to cling to it to have it - you are it. You no longer get a dose of duality over and over again. This whole life-situation is how we would prefer ourselves to be instead of how God created us to be. Now, honestly, do you want to identify yourself with this bone-and-flesh prison of yours? You would prefer being limited than limitless? And you would struggle to be this way at the cost of fear and pain? This is up to you. If you like what The Secret offers, that's fine. But you are just wasting your time until you awaken to the bliss that you are.

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